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What Are You Curious About?

Writer's picture: Anna KlinmanAnna Klinman

Let’s now shift our focus to how curiosity impacts our personal growth and learning. On an individual level, curiosity is a powerful motivator that encourages us to explore new hobbies, dive into unfamiliar subjects, and expand our horizons. Whether it’s picking up a musical instrument, learning a new language, or venturing into a new scientific field, curiosity enriches our lives and broadens our perspectives.

Seth Goldenberg emphasizes the importance of slowing down to truly accelerate our growth. In our fast-paced world, we often rush to find solutions and achieve quick victories, sometimes sacrificing depth and quality. This pressure to move quickly can lead us to focus on the wrong questions. While it may seem beneficial in the short term, this approach can take a toll over time. By intentionally slowing down and taking the time to formulate the right questions, we can arrive at more resilient and effective outcomes.Goldenberg also reminds us that curiosity engages all our senses. We live in a world filled with transactions and distractions, making it easy to go through the motions without truly experiencing life. As children, we are often in a state of awe, where every new encounter is an exciting discovery. Yet, as we grow older, we may become desensitized to the wonders around us. We record and share moments without fully reflecting on them.To combat this, we can practice being present. For instance, I used to listen to music during my solo walks, but when I walk with my husband, I engage in conversation and become aware of my surroundings. I started noticing the different bird songs and became curious about the birds I encountered. I wondered what they were called, if they were migratory, and how to attract them to my yard. This curiosity led me to discover a fantastic app called Merlin Bird ID, which identifies birds by sound.On a recent trip to Germany, I was amazed by a whole new world of birds, and my curiosity expanded to the plants around me. I found another app, Picture This, that identifies plants from photos. Each discovery feeds my curiosity and deepens my understanding of the natural world.

However, it’s worth noting that humans often resist reconsidering their beliefs. This resistance, as some psychologists argue, comes from our tendency to prefer familiar perspectives. Engaging in self-questioning can introduce unpredictability into our lives, making us confront the possibility that what we once believed may no longer hold true. Adam Grant points out that deeply held convictions can feel like core parts of our identity, and reevaluating them can be unsettling. To navigate change, it can be helpful to highlight aspects of our identity that remain constant, reassuring us that while our views may evolve, our core self stays intact.

To foster curiosity and personal growth, actively engage in lifelong learning. Read books, take courses, listen to podcasts, or watch documentaries on topics that interest you. Cultivating a hunger for knowledge can open new avenues of understanding.

Finally, don’t forget to be curious about yourself. Ask what your body needs at any given moment, and honor those needs. You deserve to feel energized and vibrant, not just tired or exhausted.

So, let’s reflect on this: What are you curious about in your life right now? How can you nurture that curiosity to drive your personal growth? Let’s discuss ways we can all embrace this mindset and explore new possibilities together.

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