“Arrogance is ignorance plus conviction. While humility is a permeable filter that absorbs life experience and converts it into knowledge and wisdom, arrogance is a rubber shield that life experience simply bounces off.” Tim Urban

Let’s look at our exploration of humility within our communities. I want to share with you some personal experiences and observations that have shaped my understanding of this virtue. It is my hope that these stories will inspire you to seek out humility in your own interactions, fostering deeper connections and cultivating a sense of joy and togetherness.
One powerful lesson I have learned is the importance of asking instead of telling. Edgar H. Schein wisely stated, "We must become better at asking and do less telling in a culture that overvalues telling." When we approach others with genuine curiosity and a willingness to listen, we open the door to understanding and growth. By asking questions and seeking different perspectives, we acknowledge that we don't have all the answers and that we can learn from one another.
In our fast-paced and individualistic society, it is easy to overlook the power of simple gestures. Something as basic as greeting people and addressing them by name can make a tremendous difference in how we connect with others. I have found that taking the time to acknowledge someone's presence and show genuine interest in their well-being can create an immediate sense of warmth and openness. Remember, communication extends beyond words—it encompasses tone and manner. Let’s strive to communicate with kindness and respect, leaving people in a good place after every interaction.
Expressing gratitude is another essential aspect of humility. Taking a moment to thank others for their contributions, whether big or small, demonstrates our recognition of their efforts. Gratitude is a powerful tool that promotes a culture of appreciation and encourages others to continue their valuable work. It is through gratitude that we acknowledge our interconnectedness and the impact we have on one another's lives. Sometimes, all we need to hear is a “thank you” to make our day.
Now, let's think about the role of humor in cultivating humility within our communities. Richard Foster once wrote, "Humor offered in love can help build community life. Humor refuses to allow us to take ourselves seriously." When we can laugh at our own gaffes and foibles, we create an atmosphere of acceptance and lightheartedness. Humor allows us to embrace the unexpected and appreciate the ridiculous and absurd moments that life presents. It helps us navigate challenges with grace and encourages us to see the beauty in imperfection. I have often been told by students that I am a “silly” teacher. I have often believed that it’s hard to feel sad and stressed when you are having fun. I have always encouraged laughter and humor in my interactions. I was once at a school where I was told that I was laughing too much and having too much fun. That’s when I knew it was not the place for me!
I vividly remember a moment at a meeting at a different school, when a colleague shared a funny story that left us all in stitches. In that moment, barriers dissolved, and we felt a sense of unity and connection. Laughter has the incredible power to bridge gaps and bring people together, reminding us that we are all in this journey of life together.
As we explore our communities, let us seek out opportunities to engage with humility. It may be in a conversation with a neighbor, a gathering of like-minded individuals, or even within our own families. Humility invites us to open our minds, accept our mistakes and weaknesses, and focus outward rather than solely on ourselves. It encourages us to enlist others in thinking, innovating, creating, and learning as a team. By embracing humility, we can transform our communities into spaces of compassion, understanding, and shared growth. I have even found a way to humbly engage with the environment. I take a walk everyday and I kept noticing litter everywhere. I kept getting upset that no one was doing anything about it. Then I realized, why not me!? I have been loading up a little wagon with trash and recycling as I walk on the weekends. It makes my walk on the weekdays much more pleasurable and it feels really good to something to help my community and the environment.
I encourage you to journey into your community with an open heart and an optimistic spirit. Seek out moments of connection and joy. Embrace the power of asking, gratitude, and humor. Together, let us build communities that thrive on humility and bring out the best in one another.
Exercise: Engage in an act of service or kindness without seeking recognition or praise. Do something for someone else anonymously, such as leaving a note of encouragement or performing a random act of kindness. Reflect on how it feels to do something selflessly and without expecting anything in return.
Here are some examples:
Pay it Forward: When you're at a coffee shop or a drive-thru, consider paying for the order of the person behind you. This unexpected act of kindness can brighten someone's day and inspire them to do the same for others.
Help a Stranger: Offer assistance to someone in need. It could be helping someone carry their groceries, holding the door open for someone, or offering directions to someone who seems lost.
Compliment Others: Take the time to sincerely compliment others. Whether it's complimenting someone's outfit, their work, or their character, genuine praise can uplift spirits and make someone feel valued and appreciated.
Say Thank You: Take a moment to write a heartfelt thank-you note to someone who has made a positive difference in your life. It could be a friend, family member, teacher, or colleague.
Volunteer: Dedicate some of your time to a local charity or organization. Whether it's serving meals at a shelter, participating in a community clean-up, or helping out at a local school, volunteering allows you to contribute to the well-being of others and make a positive difference in your community.
Listen: Sometimes, all someone needs is a listening ear. Practice active listening by offering your undivided attention and empathy when someone is sharing their thoughts, feelings, or concerns. Your willingness to be present and truly hear them can provide comfort and support.
Send Surprise Gifts: Surprise someone with a small, thoughtful gift or a handwritten note sent through the mail. It could be a book they've mentioned, a favorite treat, or something that shows you've been paying attention to their interests and needs.
Offer Kind Words: Spread positivity by sharing kind words with those around you. Compliment a co-worker on their hard work, encourage a friend who may be going through a tough time, or simply offer a genuine smile to brighten someone's day.
Be Patient and Understanding: In moments of frustration or stress, choose to respond with patience and understanding. Whether it's a challenging customer service interaction or a misunderstanding with a friend, responding calmly and compassionately can diffuse tension and promote harmony.